I’m the type of person who doesn’t have a birthday… I have a birth week, minimum. Because why not celebrate yourself! And Mother Earth’s day should be no different. So… Happy Earth Week! I wanted to share some of my favourite sustainable products that make a low waste lifestyle seem more possible for everyone.

So, without further adieu, let me share my Top 5 Zero Waste Products for a sustainable lifestyle.

#1. Reusable Bags for Zero Waste Shopping

If you’re not using reusable bags already it is one of the easiest switches to make. I debated putting this on the list because I know in some circles it seems like grabbing a reusable bag before leaving the house is second-nature. But it can be easy to forget if you’re not used to it, and then you end up bringing home plastic ones from whatever unexpected shopping you got up to that day. My tip is to always have a reusable bag in your car or your purse so you are prepared if you end up needing to pick anything up.

With a variety of colours and patterns available, you can’t go wrong with a reusable bag. Often times, you don’t even have to buy them. I know a lot of sustainable brands that use cloth bags instead of plastic when you purchase something -so you get one for free with your products. You can even sew your own from an old T-shirt if you want to get thrifty.

Already use reusable totes? The next level is reusable produce bags. This one is a game-changer. A reusable bag inside a reusable bag? That’s right. So you can refuse even more plastic. I got my off of amazon and they are made out of recycled waterbottles. Win-win!

#2. Enjoy your To-Go Drinks Zero Waste Style

One of the first steps on your low-waste journey is using only washable water bottles and travel cups.

For water bottles, I love using the metal or steel varieties. I am notorious for losing water bottles so I’ve tried out a lot of different ones. My Swell water bottle is my favourite -it always keeps things at the correct temperature. But Swell is quite expensive, and though I am so grateful to have received mine as a gift, I think the brand Minimal is great for water bottles that are the same high quality for much cheaper. I’m still sad I misplaced my minimal bottle years ago and it never turned up… but my forgetfulness is a story for another day.

As for travel mugs, I’ve been really enjoying one I picked up from Joco. I’ve only been using a travel mug for coffee shop drinks for a year -before then I would just order in and enjoy my latte in store. But if you’re in a rush, travel mugs are the best. At big franchises like Starbucks and small businesses alike, the staff have always been happy to pour my drink into my own cup. At Starbucks, Tim Hortons, and Second Cup you also receive a discount for bringing your own! I like seeing how they are doing their part to encourage sustainability.

#3. Zero Waste Period

For people who menstruate, I can’t recommend the Diva Cup enough. Not only does this save so much waste from disposable menstrual products (and all the ridiculous packaging they come in every time you buy), the Diva Cup has saved me so much money! I bought mine for $40 and it only needs to be replaced every 1-2 years. I would pay double that yearly back when I was relying on disposable products.

I was a bit nervous to make the switch at first. Many friends had been urging me to for ages before I finally did it. But I can assure you that it is painless and easy. It actually makes me feel more connected to my cycles, and for someone spiritual like me, that is really cool.

#4. One of my favourite zero waste products, the Safety Razor!

Just like the Diva Cup, using a safety razor saves so much waste and so much money! I used to feel sad every time I bought razors. Every time I stood in the drug store aisle staring at them, seeing how expensive they were, and how much plastic was involved in each individual razor and the packaging. I felt powerless because it seemed like there was no other way. Enter… the safety razor.

I invested in this stainless steel three piece razor by Merkur, and I bought a pack of 100 blades, which might run out by the time I’m eighty, who knows. After watching an online tutorial, using the razor was really easy and I have never cut myself. It feels more intentional to shave this way too, rather than doing it as quickly as possible with a plastic razor that I would then throw in the garbage. It’s fun, because I feel like I’ve travelled back in time. You know, to a time where we honoured our possessions and weren’t completely obsessed with convenience and newness. I like to think that time is coming back around.

#5. Reusable Cotton Pads for Zero Waste Skincare

When I was a teenager I remember taking off my makeup with those horrible single-use makeup wipes that come in a package that seems to be made of ten different types of plastic. When I was beginning my low-waste journey I swore of off these and started removing my makeup with coconut oil and a face towel. But that’s a lot of laundry, and towels weren’t the most gentle around my eye area. Then I discovered reusable cotton pads.

They work just like the disposable kind, and are easy to throw in the washing machine when they need a clean. I hope soon they will be available to buy in drugstores so everyone can make the switch.

So, these have been my top five sustainable products for purchase, but there’s no need to stop there. Many things I didn’t include because you don’t have to purchase them at all, such as cleaning with rags instead of paper towel, and reusable cutlery. For the latter, many sustainable brands have portable cutlery sets you can purchase, but I never found it necessary. I just take some silverware from my drawer, wrap it in a cloth napkin and throw it in my purse if I’m going to need it.

You know instinctively which of these products are going to work for your lifestyle and which are not. The important thing is you try your best to create less waste. Our lives and the life of the planet depends on it. And always look to the next step. For me, my next step is finding some reusable and refillable pens I like. I’ve even heard of people buying bottled ink in glass bottles to fill them with!

It’s magical what can happen when people start to care about their waste. There is a solution for everything. And more often than not, the solution is going back to the old ways.

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