Happiness Tips: How to Feel Happy Everyday

A grassy field of white and yellow daisies.

Happiness is something I’m known for in my group of friends. I’m smiling the majority of the time and I’m not quick to anger. Of course I have a variety of complex emotions, but I’m pretty good at letting the negative go quickly and getting back to the positive.

Today I’m going to share my tips with you on how to feel happy everyday.

12 Ways to Feel Happy Everyday

Find Happiness in Alone Time

Carve out some time in each day to just be with yourself. Yes, that means turning off your phone too. I try to turn my phone off an hour or two before going to bed and don’t use it until after my morning routine the next day. Being off my phone, especially in those influential hours before and after sleep, makes me so much happier. I use this time to meditate, journal, stretch, or read inspiring books. I really recommend meditation if you haven’t tried it already. I started with guided meditations and now I can do it on my own.

Some of my favourite alone time practices are moon rituals and connecting with my spirit guides.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Comparison can be an evil thing, and I’ve fallen prey to it many times. But, as cheesy as it sounds, we are all special in our own way. I encourage you to switch to an abundance mindset. Instead of wishing you were as beautiful or talented or adventurous or, or, or as others accept the fact that we can all be successful and wonderful with our own unique looks, talents, and desires. If someone else has what you want there is no need to be jealous because you can have it too. We can all succeed. There is no lack. There is only abundance.

Mirror Affirmations for Happiness

The most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself like you would your best friend. A starting tip I have for you is the mirror affirmation. Stand in front of the mirror and say one thing you honestly love about what you see. “I love my eyes”, “I love my skin”, “I love how confident I look.” Choose something everyday and you will feel your love for yourself start to rise, and therefore your happiness.

Ground Yourself in Gratitude

Every morning think of three things you are grateful for. During the day if you are feeling off or upset remembering the things you are grateful for can bring your happiness back in. I practice the five senses grounding exercise with a grateful twist. Name something that you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel in your present moment, and realize why you can be grateful for them. The gratitude can be as specific as, “I see a beautiful Cardinal, my favourite bird” or as general as “I’m grateful I can see the sky.”

Feed Your Passions

We all have a unique set of talents and passions. I recommend feeding your passions daily and simply because you gain joy from it, not to impress anyone else. For me I gain joy from singing and dancing around my apartment, without anyone watching and without a care in the world. Try doing something you love just for yourself and you will feel optimal happiness. Of course sharing these talents with the world is also amazing, but doing it just for yourself is invigorating.

Get Productive

A surefire way to feel a surge of happiness and confidence is to do something productive. This can be a workout, an assignment, or even sending out an email or making an important phone call. Anything that promotes the feeling of accomplishment. Looking back at the end of the day and seeing I was productive makes me feel a lot of happiness.

Move Your Body

It’s true what they say about endorphins. It doesn’t have to be an intense cross-fit workout -unless that’s exactly what you want it to be! There are so many fitness options out there and you will find the one you love. My favourites are ballet barre workouts and good old-fashioned walking.

Love Your Surroundings

You want to feel happiness when you’re looking around your home. Only have things in your home that bring you joy. Take the time to tidy your space -care for it like it’s an extension of yourself. Pay special attention to the corner or wall you see when you first open your eyes in the morning. Choose what you would like to see to feel inspiration and peace.

Listen/Read/Watch with Intention

Choose media that promotes joy. I like to listen to meditation music because it makes me feel purposeful and relaxed. I reserve my favourite music with lyrics for waking up on early morning and long car rides. For me simplicity = happiness, so I like the no lyrics vibe. You may like your happy music to have lyrics! But I encourage you to limit your listening of sad and angry music. Consuming media with happy vibrations will always bring in more joy for you. The same goes with books. I always have a self-help book on the go because I find them really inspiring. My favourite self-improvement books are by the author Danielle Laporte. I also like to watch meaningful content about self-improvement and happiness on Youtube.

Get Love, Give Love, Be Love

We already covered self-love, but make sure you’re sending out that love to the people in your life -and even strangers! Smiling and making eye contact with others and being kind in every interaction makes me feel happiness and tends to bring kindness back to me. It is the walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk of happiness. The flip side is you must gently let go of people in your life who are unkind to you. It will be hard, but if you are being mistreated you will feel so much better with those people gone.

Allow Yourself to Feel Sadness

I know. You’re thinking “What? I clicked on a post about how to feel happiness!” The truth is I think it’s unhealthy to gloss over our negative  emotions in the pursuit of Feeling Happy All the Time. If you’re feeling sad or angry, that’s there, and that’s valid. Maybe you know why and maybe you don’t, but let yourself feel it. Acknowledge it. Being mad or sad doesn’t make you less of an amazing person. I like to journal during these times to try and find the way. Definitely acknowledge your pain but don’t sit in it for too long. When you’re ready, move on to one of the tips I listed above.

Dare to Dream

This is your life and you can do whatever you want with it. Start to imagine your life as exactly what you want it to be. Set goals, work hard, act as if you already have achieved them, and soon you will have them. This is called manifestation and it is a key component of my happiness. I will definitely write more posts about it later.

Thank you so much for reading my blog today and I wish you so much happiness.



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