Tarot is an intuitive service intended to support and uplift you. Megan Adam, of Magic Materialized Tarot, is not a licensed health practitioner of any kind. Magic Materialized Tarot is not, and should not be used as, a substitute for any form of medical advice or licensed therapy. I am not liable for any decisions you make as a result of your reading.

Due to the nature of energetic work I cannot provide refunds for completed readings.


What is tarot?

Tarot is the practice of using cards to reveal intuitive information. The numbers and images on the tarot cards are used to help decipher messages from spirit and answer your questions. One of the most popular deck of tarot cards is the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which is the one I use in my readings. Each card has a specific meaning that professional tarot readers are well-versed in.

What are your readings like?

I call my practice “intuitive tarot reading” because along with studying the individual tarot cards, suits, and numerology, I open my intuition to channel messages. Sometimes messages come through for you that are not informed by the cards at all. I use the cards as a tool of focus to provide you with the clearest answers and action steps in your reading. In my readings I use a blend of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, and various Oracle decks that I select intuitively based on the person I’m reading.

Where does my reading happen?

Currently, all readings happen over zoom video call.

When can I book my reading?

I always have my books open for the next 30 days, and have bookable hours every day of the week.


Here is a link to my availability calendar so you can get a sense of when I have availability. Please refrain from scheduling a reading time until you’re ready to purchase. xx

Who are my spirit guides?

Every single person on earth has spirit guides journeying with them along their path. Including you. Your spirit guides show up in the way you can understand them and that understanding can change throughout your life. You may feel them as a welcoming presence or a strong instinct pulling you towards, or away from, certain choices. Or you could see them as bright lights or aura colours, hear them as an inner voice, or spend time with them in meditation.


Types of spirit guides include beings we knew in our past lives, animal energies we have a strong connection to, past loved ones and ancestors, and everything in between. Before your reading, I invite in any of these energies that wish to come forward and are hear to support you for your Highest Good.


Learn more about connecting with yours here!

Are you psychic?

Yes, I am psychic. And guess what? Everyone is psychic, although we all have different abilities. The words psychic and intuitive mean the exact same thing. You’ll see from getting to know me that I use the word intuitive more as it feels more in alignment for me.

Can you predict my future?

Yes and no. The information I channel during our session is specific to where you are at in this specific moment. Your guides will reveal future outcomes that are rooted in where you are at now and what you’re journeying towards. But I always want you to remember how much agency and free will you have over your own life. You make choices everyday that change the future outcomes of your life, and tarot readings are an amazing tool to help steer those choices towards your Highest Good, a life of joy and alignment.


In your reading I energetically predict what’s coming towards you based on the current choices you’re making, and reveal action steps you can take to bring you towards the life you desire.


But no, I can’t predict the definitive singular destiny of your life that will happen NO MATTER WHAT you do. Because I don’t believe there is one singular destiny for any of us, and the energies I channel support this. Picture your Highest Path like the branches of a big, beautiful tree. There are many paths open to you, some more aligned than others, but you have the agency to choose which you want to take. 

Can I give a tarot reading as a gift?

Yes! Tarot readings make lovely gifts. You’re such a thoughtful friend. You can purchase your gift reading here.

Type your friend’s email into the “special instructions” box when purchasing if you’d like me to contact them about their gift directly and I will help them book their reading at their convenience.

Feel free to add any other special instructions you’d like me to know! Or email me. 🙂

Do you do couple readings?

Yes! I offer hour long readings for groups of two people such as romantic partners, friends, siblings, etc. Please email me if you’d like to set this up.

What about parties / group events?

Yes! I adore working with groups, both in person and online on zoom. Please email me about the nature of your event and I’ll promptly get back to you with more information.