Connecting with Your Spirit Guides

Two white horses spirit guides running through a teal blue ocean.

Have you ever wished to make contact with your spirit guide? Are you searching for some loving guidance in your life? Maybe you have felt a presence holding your hand and helping you through the ups and downs of life, and you’re looking to understand it more completely. In this post I am talking all about spirit guides.

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Beltane Tarot Spread

Blessed Beltane! I have to admit, this May Day of rituals is one of my favourite pagan sabbats. May is my birth month, so that could have something to do with it. Ushering in spring is exciting every year, especially after a long, harsh winter.

If you want more info on Beltane, including some solo ritual ideas, I’ve linked my more in-dept post right here. In this post, I am offering you a Tarot Spread channeled specifically for Beltane, that you can use for yourself or others.

The energy of Beltane is best harnessed between April 29th and May 3rd, but you can use this spread  throughout the month of May for further clarity.

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Full Moon Tarot Spread

full moon in a blue and pink sky

The full moon is an excellent time for introspection. Many people enjoy having a full moon ritual to enjoy this celebratory and energy-rich time. You may wish to add some tarot reading to your full moon ritual, for yourself or for others. I’ve created this full moon tarot spread that you can use to harness the moon’s energy and receive divine guidance.

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Creating a Full Moon Ritual

A full moon in a blue sky over pink mountains.

There is an unmistakable magic about a full moon. Scientists and storytellers alike have been obsessed with it for centuries. The man in the moon, the space race to conquer her, the tides being controlled by the moon, howling wolves… The list goes on. But what if I told you you can partake in her power by creating your own full moon ritual.

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