Beltane Tarot Spread

Blessed Beltane! I have to admit, this May Day of rituals is one of my favourite pagan sabbats. May is my birth month, so that could have something to do with it. Ushering in spring is exciting every year, especially after a long, harsh winter.

If you want more info on Beltane, including some solo ritual ideas, I’ve linked my more in-dept post right here. In this post, I am offering you a Tarot Spread channeled specifically for Beltane, that you can use for yourself or others.

The energy of Beltane is best harnessed between April 29th and May 3rd, but you can use this spread  throughout the month of May for further clarity.

This is a simple 7 card spread designed to bring your clarity on love, passion, and abundance. Below I will go into detail more about how to do this spread and reap the most benefits from it.

At the Center are Cards #1 and #2.

Card #1. A Relevant Past Life. I include this as a starting point in our Beltane spread because Beltane, like Samhain (the pagan sabbat that correlates with Halloween) is a time when the veil between life and death is the thinnest. It is a time when the past, present, and future can all align. Around Beltane you may be experiencing flashes to your past lives, in waking life or in lucid dreams. Focus on this energy and pull a card to represent a past life that is calling you. This can bring a lot of clarity, because we all have past lives that are extremely relevant to the situations and beliefs we navigate in this current life.

Card #2. A Message from your Highest Self. The sabbats are powerful high-days for receiving messages. Ask your Highest Self what you need to know as you pull the second card.

Read these two cards together. It is likely that when you compare the two cards more information will be revealed. For example, the message from your Highest Self could make more sense when you look at the past life that has been calling to you. Often times, your Highest Self’s message will tell you how you are being asked to grow and move on from beliefs that didn’t serve you -perhaps beliefs that you are still harbouring from your past life.

Card #3. How can you love yourself more? Beltane is all about sensuality and sexuality. You can’t pour from an empty cup. To receive abundant love (spiritual, emotional, and physical) from others, you have to love yourself first. Think about this while drawing this card.

Card #4. Where is their beauty in your life? There may be beauty in your life that you have overlooked or taken for granted. Beltane provides us with the opportunity to give thanks for the beauty all around us.

Card #5. Love Advice from Spirit. Ask your guides for a piece of love advice. Beltane is an amazing time to practice love magick and work on your relationships in general. Ask, and be open to what you receive. It may be about a particular romantic relationship, or about yourself and your patterns in love.

Card #6. What is your Heart’s True Desire. Again, ask and be open to receive. Beltane has an intense sexual energy that can manifest as desiring physical love, and/or intense creativity. See what your heart wants right now, and be open to surprises.

Card #7. How can you give into this desire? Be open-minded. Accept what comes through. Beltane has a playful energy, and it is a chance to try new things. Your heart and your desires are powerful and changeable. What you want to try now may fade into something different as the cycle of the year progresses. Beltane says that’s okay. You should try new things, have fun, and live in the moment.

I hope you enjoy this spread and this blessed day. If you try out the spread and feel like sharing, post a picture and make sure to tag me @magicmaterial.

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