Connecting with Your Spirit Guides

Two white horses spirit guides running through a teal blue ocean.

Have you ever wished to make contact with your spirit guide? Are you searching for some loving guidance in your life? Maybe you have felt a presence holding your hand and helping you through the ups and downs of life, and you’re looking to understand it more completely. In this post I am talking all about spirit guides.

What are Spirit Guides?

As we travel through this lifetime, we all have one main guide who walks alongside us from birth to death. For many of us, our main spirit guide has been with us even before this life, having been our companion in previous incarnations. A spirit guide is a presence that is not often seen, but felt. Their intention is to protect us, fill our lives with love and light, and help us make choices that bring us closer to our Higher Self. You may think of them as a cross between a really invested mentor and a guardian angel.

You spirit guide is always with you. Their goal is to bring you towards peace and love.

Who is my Spirit Guide?

There are many different types of Spirit Guides. They could be a loved one from a past life who is sticking around to guide you, a protective ancestor from your current family bloodline, an animal guide (mystical or earthly), or even a particularly persistent imaginary friend from childhood who you may have neglected in adulthood.

Note: Your main spirit guide is not a loved one who passed away in your current lifetime. Though a loved one who passed on can be with you and guide you, your main guide is a presence from another realm that you are born connected to. So they are not someone who was alive at the time of your birth.

Learning More about Your Spirit Guides

You might be wondering, “How do I know more about my main guide?” As with many things in life, you need to ask.

Spirit Guides are polite creatures. They don’t show up bigger in your life unless you ask them to. Because you are reading this, I know you are ready to make conscious contact with your Spirit Guide. Perhaps some of you already have.

Conscious Contact: Connecting to other realms and entities on purpose, in an awake state or through intentional dreaming.

The following are some tools you can use to consciously connect to your Spirit Guide, and create a deeper relationship.

Connect Through Meditation

Meditation is great because we can access an open dream-like state while still retaining control and the ability to ask specific questions. Get deep into your meditative state. It’s up to you how you do this; using guided meditations, bin-aural beats, or finding a quiet space in nature have all worked for me in the past. Once you feel calm and open, you can begin to ask questions. You might start by asking your Spirit Guide their name. Whatever comes to you first, be sure to trust it.

Meditation Tip: Is there a country or period in history that you feel particularly drawn to, but you don’t know why? It could be a connection to your Spirit Guide! Try listening to traditional music from that region or time period during your meditations -it may jog your memories.

Connect Through Dreams

Dreamland is a wonderful place to develop deeper understanding. Did you know you can set intentions for your dreams? Before you go to sleep, do a mini meditation to connect with your Spirit Guide. Ask them to come to you in your sleep, show themselves, and share any messages that you need to know. This is a good way to receive visuals of your Spirit Guide, and to receive a peaceful, healing night’s sleep.

Connect Through Inner Child Work

As children we are very open to the other realms. Thinking back to your childhood can give you valuable clues on who your Spirit Guides is.

Try asking yourself these questions:

What were your main interests as a child?

What did you love learning about at school? (Historical time periods, countries and geography, professions, a love of nature or art…)

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Did you draw as a child? Was there something you were constantly doodling? (For me it was fairies, sitting in tiny flowers.)

What were your play pretend games about? Who did you meet on your “pretend” adventures?

Did you have an imaginary friend? Can you describe them?

Asking these types of questions can often bring you back to the knowledge you innately knew as a child: knowledge of yourself, your purpose, and, of course, your partner-in-time, your Spirit Guide.

Your Spirit Guide is your Partner-In-Time. They are here for you always.

Keep a Spirit-Guided Journal

Whatever your preferred method of connection, make sure to record your findings in a journal, along with any messages you’re receiving. This builds trust so you can receive messages more easily and frequently in the future.

I’m Overwhelmed, and I Don’t Think I’m Ready for This

It’s okay.
If you weren’t ready for this you wouldn’t be here.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or think this is all sounding kinda phony, that can be normal. For many of us, we were not brought up to believe in such things. We were raised in a culture of suspicion. If you can’t see something, how can it be real? It may seem too altruistic to believe in something you cannot see, and something that is here only for your Highest Good.

And yet you’re here, aren’t you. There’s something in you that wants to believe.

Building Trust with Your Guide

If you’re having trouble building trust with your Spirit Guide, I encourage you to watch my IGTV Video “Connecting with Your Spirit Guides”. In it I share two helpful tips to receive concrete guidance: how to ask for physical signs, and how to receive guidance through music (it’s called shufflemancy!).

I know if you implement these tips and continue with your own discoveries you will enjoy an enriching relationship with your guide. Remember, Spirit Guides want  to help us. They are here for our Highest Good. But they won’t show up in a deeper way unless you ask them to. They are here, whenever you are ready.

Featured Image by reddit user zahraqiz.

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